Monthly fee

All clients who train with the freelance coaches:
- Coach Domenica
- Coach Francois
- Coach Roel
Need to pay a monthly fee to acces the facility

This will be paid for the month.

This will be stopped immediately the moment you let us (or your coach) know you stop training with one of the coaches mentioned above.

All prices are including Sales tax where applicable

Start date
Pro-rata 16-09-2024 till 30-09-2024
Amount to be paid now
From 01-10-2024 monthly

1 Months Duration

Auto renewal takes place 1 Months before contracts runs out


Personal Training
Algemene voorwaarden Artikel 1 – Begrippen TS Athletics, personal training studio, gevestigd te Pourbusstraat 14, 2000 Antwerpen, België, met ondernemingsnummer BE0766943465, vertegenwoordigd door de
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